December 9, 2019/ 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

5288 Bunche Hall

Okinawa in Writing and Memory: JAG Works in Progress Workshop

This Monday, December 9, JAG will be hosting an event, “Okinawa in Writing and Memory: JAG Works in Progress Workshop,” co-sponsored by the Terasaki Center, and featuring three notable Okinawa specialists in conversation: Davinder Bhowmik (U Washington), Vicky Young (Cambridge, UK), and Chris Nelson (UNC).

The workshop will be in the History of Science conference room in the far corner of the 5th floor of Bunche (5288 Bunche). Pay-by-space parking is available in Parking lot 3.

In the morning (10-1), we will have a workshopping of the three pre-circulated papers, JAG-style, followed by an afternoon public presentation between 2:30 and 5.

The papers are:
Nelson, "Phantom Japan: Okamoto Taro and the Dialectics of Recognition"
Young, "Inciting the Past: Towards a decolonising reading of Okinawan Literature"
Bhomik, "Unruly subjects in Medoruma Shun’s ‘Walking a Street Named Peace’ and Yū Miri’s
Tokyo Ueno Station" and "Off Base: The Rhetoric of Peace in Japan’s Military Basetown Literature"