Links to Other Korean Studies Websites

Websites of interest to persons involved in the study of Korea.
Korea Focus
UCLA Buddhist Studies Graduate Program
UCLA Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
UCLA East Asian Library
UCLA's Korean Language Program
UCLA Language Resource Center
UCLA Interdepartmental Program in East Asian Studies
UCLA Online Archive Korean Christianity
The Korea Foundation
The Korea Research Foundation
Academy of Korean Studies, Korea
Acta Koreana
Arizona State University, Korean Studies
Association for Asian Studies
Australian National University, Centre for Korean Studies
Brigham Young University, Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages
California State University, Los Angeles, Center for Korean-American and Korean Studies
Columbia University, The Center for Korean Research
Cornell University, Department of Asian Studies
Georgetown University, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
George Washington University, Asian Studies Program
Harvard University, Korea Institute
Hope International University, Korean Studies
Indiana University, East Asian Studies Center (EASC)
Intercultural Institute of California
Oxford University, Korean Studies
Seoul National University, Korean Language Program - International Students Admissions
Stanford University Korean Studies Program
UC Berkeley, Center for Korean Studies
University of British Columbia, Centre for Korean Research
University of Chicago, Committee on Korean Studies
University of Hawaii, Center for Korean Studies
University of London, SOAS
University of Michigan, Center for Korean Studies
University of Sheffield, School of East Asian Studies
University of Toronto, Centre for the Study of Korea
University of Washington, Korea Studies
USC Korean Studies Institute
Korean Consulate General in Los Angeles
Korean Embassy in the U.S.A.
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
Frank Hoffmann's Korean Studies Home Page
Gateway to Korea
Korea Web Weekly
Voluntary Agency Network of Korea
Online Exhibits at LACMA
Korean Language Information
Spotlight on Korea
DPRK Information Center: North Korea News
Minority Post Doc Resources / Diversity Funding for Your Postdoctoral Research: Advice for a Successful Experience
Korean Dramas on DramaFever
Published: Monday, October 16, 2006