Virtual Book Talk
Friday, November 17, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Pacific Time)

Nancy Foner (Sociology, CUNY) author of One Quarter of the Nation: Immigration and the Transformation of the Nation; comment by Suzanne Model (Sociology, UC Irvine)
Event Sponsored by CCIS UC San Diego
Unprecedented in scope, One Quarter of the Nation traces how immigration has reconfigured America’s racial order—and, importantly, how Americans perceive race—and played a pivotal role in reshaping electoral politics and party alignments. It discusses how immigrants have rejuvenated our urban centers as well as some far-flung rural communities, and examines how they have strengthened the economy, fueling the growth of old industries and spurring the formation of new ones. This wide-ranging book demonstrates how immigration has touched virtually every facet of American culture, from the music we dance to and the food we eat to the films we watch and books we read.
Download file: 111723_Foner-Event-Flyer-ce-xzp.pdf
Sponsor(s): Center for Study of International Migration, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (UC San Diego)