Harold TorrenceMA Chair and ASC Director Department of Linguistics htorrence@humnet.ucla.edu
Erica AnjumDeputy Directoranjum@international.ucla.edu
Sheila BreedingBudget and Program Manager sbreeding@international.ucla.edu
Leslie Ellen JonesExecutive Editor, African Artsafriartsedit@international.ucla.edu
Yumi KinoshitaAcademic Counselorykinoshita@international.ucla.edu
Dirsa DeandaruGraduate Student Assistantddeandaru@a@international.ucla.edu
James McCannStudent Assistantjamesmccann@g.ucla.edu
Victor AgadjanianProfessor, Sociology Department of Sociology agadjanian@soc.ucla.edu
Hannah AppelAssociate Professor Anthropology happel@anthro.ucla.edu
Onyebuchi A. ArahProfessor School of Public Health, Epidemiology arah@ucla.edu
Stephanie Bosch SantanaAssistant Professor Comparative Literature sbsantana@humnet.ucla.edu
Aomar BoumProfessor, Maurice Amado Chair in Sephardic Studies Anthropology aboum@anthro.ucla.edu
Judith CarneyDistinguished Research Professor Geography carney@geog.ucla.edu
Darin ChristensenAssistant Professor Political Science, School of Public Affairs, Department of Public Policy darinc@luskin.ucla.edu
Kamari ClarkeAdjunct Professor Anthropology, African Studies kamariclarke@ucla.edu
Mekonnen Gebremichael Associate Professor Civil & Environmental Engineering mekonnen@seas.ucla.edu
Shelleen GreeneAssociate Professor Department of Film, Television and Digital Media sgreene9@tft.ucla.edu
Edmond KellerProfessor Emeritus Political Science ekeller@ucla.edu
Michael LofchieProfessor Political Science, International Development Studies mlofchie@polisci.ucla.edu
Ghislaine LydonProfessor Department of History lydon@history.ucla.edu
Claudia Mitchell-KernanProfessor Emerita African Studies, Department of African American Studies cmkernan@ucla.edu
Kevin NjaboAssistant Adjunct Professor and Africa Director Center for Tropical Research, African Studies kynjabo@ucla.edu
Erica P. JonesCurator of African Arts Art History, Fowler Museum at UCLA epjones@arts.ucla.edu
Daniel PosnerJames S. Coleman Professor Political Science dposner@polisci.ucla.edu
Thomas B. SmithDistinguished Professor Emeritus Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology tbsmith@ucla.edu
Paula TavrowAdjunct Professor; Director, Bixby Program in Population and Reproductive Health School of Public Health, Community Health Sciences ptavrow@ucla.edu
Dominic ThomasProfessor and Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee French and Francophone Studies dominict@humnet.ucla.edu
Anne W. RimoinProfessor; Director, UCLA Center for Global and Immigrant Health School of Public Health, Epidemiology arimoin@ucla.edu
Alain MabanckouProfessor French and Francophone Studies mabanckou@humnet.ucla.edu
Alfred K. NeumannProfessor Emeritus School of Public Health aneumann@ucla.edu
Andrew ApterProfessor Department of History aapter@history.ucla.edu
Blaire Van ValkenburghProfessor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology bvanval@ucla.edu
Charlotte NeumannProfessor School of Public Health cneumann@mednet.ucla.edu
Cheryl HarrisRosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Professor of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights UCLA Law harris@law.ucla.edu
Cheryl KeyesProfessor Ethnomusicology clkeyes@ucla.edu
Christopher EhretProfessor Emeritus Department of History ehret@history.ucla.edu
Christopher WatermanProfessor World Arts & Cultures/Dance cwater@arts.ucla.edu
Debora SilvermanProfessor Department of History, Art History silverma@history.ucla.edu
Edith Mukudi OmwamiAssociate Professor Graduate School of Education and Information Studies omwami@gseis.ucla.edu
Edward AlpersProfessor Emeritus Department of History alpers@history.ucla.edu
Frances Elisabeth Olsen Professor UCLA Law olsen@law.ucla.edu
Françoise LionnetProfessor Comparative Literature, French and Francophone Studies, Department of Gender Studies flionnet@humnet.ucla.edu
Kevan HarrisAssistant Professor Department of Sociology kevanharris@soc.ucla.edu
Marla BernsPast Director, Fowler Museum Art History berns@arts.ucla.edu
Merrick PosnanskyProfessor Emeritus Department of History, Anthropology merrick@history.ucla.edu
Mikki GoralLibrarian African Studies miki@library.ucla.edu
Miguel UnzuetaAssociate Professor UCLA Anderson School of Management miguel.unzueta@anderson.ucla.edu
Paul Von BlumLecturer Communication Studies, Afro-American Studies Interdepartmental Program pvonblum@ucla.edu
Richard SklarProfessor Emeritus Political Science sklar@polisci.ucla.edu
Robert A. HillResearch Professor Department of History rhill@history.ucla.edu
Robin DerbyProfessor Department of History derby@history.ucla.edu
Sondra HaleProfessor Emerita Anthropology sonhale@ucla.edu
Stephen ComminsLecturer Urban Planning scommins@ucla.edu
Susan Cotts WatkinsVisiting Research Scientist California Center for Population Research SWatkins@ccpr.ucla.edu
Thomas HinnebuschProfessor Emeritus Linguistics hinnebus@humnet.ucla.edu
Thomas WeisnerProfessor Anthropology tweisner@ucla.edu
Yogita Goyal Associate Professor English ygoyal@humnet.ucla.edu
William WorgerProfessor Department of History worger@history.ucla.edu