Thursday, April 25, 2024
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM (Pacific Time)
UCLA Young Research Library, Rm #11360 (Conference Center)
The Honorary Consul General of Guinea, Jordan Garcia, will moderate a panel discussion on US-China in Africa: “Scramble for Africa:” A New Cold War between China and the US?
The panelists will be:
- The Honorary Consul General of Guinea, Honorable Jordan Garcia
- The Honorable Ambassador Hossam Eldeen Aly, Consul General of Egypt
- The Honorable Thandile Babalwa Sunduza, Consul General of South Africa
- The Honorable James O. Omosa Rwoti, Deputy Consul General of Kenya
- The Honorable Crisantos Obama Ondo, Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to the United States of America
Free and open to the public
For more information, contact the UCLA African Studies Center
Phone: 310-825-3686
Download file: US-China-in-Africa-Flyer-revised-4-19-2h-lnn.pdf
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Duration: 1:44:24
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Sponsor(s): African Studies, African Studies