The Bernard Brodie Distinguished Lecture On the Conditions of Peace with Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr.: "US-China Relations, Challenges and Opportunities"
Jon Huntsman, Jr., former Governor of Utah and former Ambassador to China and Singapore
Wednesday, April 16, 20145:00 PM - 6:30 PM
UCLA Faculty Center, California Room
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Audio: To listen to audio from the lecture click here.
Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. began his career in public service as a staff assistant to President Ronald Reagan. He has since served four U.S. Presidents in critical roles around the world including Ambassador to Singapore, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Asia, U.S. Trade Ambassador and most recently U.S. Ambassador to China.
Twice elected as Utah’s Governor, Jon Huntsman, Jr. brought about strong economic reforms, tripled the states rainy day fund and helped bring unemployment rates to historic lows. During his tenure Utah was named the best managed state in America and best state in which to do business.
Recognized by others for his service, Governor Huntsman was elected as Chairman of the Western Governors Association, serving nineteen states throughout the region. Governor Huntsman most recently ran as a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination until leaving the race in January 2012.
He currently serves as the Chairman of the Atlantic Council and Co-Founder and Honorary Co-Chair of No Labels, as well as serving on the boards of Ford Motor Company, Caterpillar Corporation, Chevron Corporation, Huntsman Corporation, the U.S. Naval Academy Foundation and the University of Pennsylvania. In addition he serves as a distinguished fellow at the Brookings Institute, a trustee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a Trustee of the Reagan Presidential Foundation, and Chairman of The Huntsman Cancer Foundation.
He has served as a visiting fellow at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government as well as a distinguished lecturer at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy. He is a graduate of The University of Pennsylvania and has seven honorary doctorate degrees.
Established in 1980, the Bernard Brodie Distinguished Lecture on the Conditions of Peace celebrates the memory of Bernard Brodie as an eminent scholar and teacher. This lecture series provides a special forum for dignitaries and scholars of politics, strategy, warfare, and peace to present their views to the UCLA community and the public.
Sponsor(s): Burkle Center for International Relations