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Black Lives Matter: Global Perspectives

Black Lives Matter in Brazil

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Like in the United States, police violence against people of color is pervasive in Brazil, the country with the world's second-largest Black population. Join us for a discussion to examine the impacts of systemic racism and police violence on Black Brazilians.

Thursday, December 10, 2020
11:00 AMZoom

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Like in the United States, police violence against people of color is pervasive in Brazil, the country with the world’s second-largest Black population. Brazilian police kill at least six times more people each year than American police, and most of the victims are young Black men. This interdisciplinary panel of scholars from Brazil and the U.S. will trace the history of Black Brazilian mobilization against state-sanctioned violence; compare police violence against people of color in Brazil, the U.S., and South Africa; and examine the particular impacts of police violence on Black LGBTQ+ Brazilians.


Alvaro Nascimento, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Waleska Miguel Batista, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Watufani Poe, Brown University

Moderator: Ugo Edu, Department of African American Studies

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Cost: Free

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Duration: 01:38:39


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Sponsor(s): Center for Brazilian Studies, Latin American Institute, Department of History, Spanish and Portuguese, Department of Public Policy, International Human Rights Program at UCLA School of Law