Beyond the Net Zero Pledges: Do they Still Matter?
Many businesses, institutions, cities, and regions have pledged to reach net-zero emissions within a few decades. But accountability has always been a challenge and it’s one made more difficult by recent political backsliding around the globe. What’s the path forward for sticking to credible benchmarks? Is there a role for carbon offsets and voluntary carbon markets?
We’ll hear from Catherine McKenna, CEO of Climate and Nature Solutions and chair of the United Nations high-level expert group on net zero emissions commitments of non-state entities. McKenna served as Canada’s minister of environment and climate change from 2015 to 2019 and minister of infrastructure and communities from 2019 to 2021.
McKenna is a visiting scholar to the UCLA Emmett Institute. She’ll be joined in conversation with Distinguished Counsel Mary Nichols, former chair of the California Air Resources Board, and also a member of the UN high-level expert group on net zero emissions commitments.
RSVP here by Jan 17:

Download file: Beyond-the-Net-Zero-Pledges-Do-they-Still-Matter--gb-1ul.pdf
Sponsor(s): Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment