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Undergraduate Fellowship Applications Due June 17th
Calling all Undergraduate students! Apply for the Center's 2024-25 Undergraduate Fellowship by June 17, 2024 and earn a $500 stipend per quarter. Learn More & Apply Here.

Abstract Submissions Open: Undergraduate Israel Studies Conference
The deadline to submit an abstract for the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center's online 6th Annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies is May 31st, 2024. The conference will be held on June 17th, 2024.

More Info & Submit Your Abstract.

Scholarships to Study in Israel
Apply for the UCLA Nazarian Center's and the Israel Institute's scholarships to study abroad in Israel! Students can apply for and receive scholarships from both organizations.

UCLA Nazarian Center Scholarships.

Israel Institute Scholarships

Center-Sponsored Courses at UCLA
The UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center's sponsored courses for Spring 2024 have been announced on the UCLA Registrar's Schedule of Classes. Learn More & Enroll

The Center Mourns the Passing of Renowned Israeli Political Scientist Shlomo Avineri
Learn about Shlomo Avineri's life and legacy.

Watch his keynote lecture for the Center's series exploring the state of democracy in Israel.

The Center Publishes its 2022–23 Newsletter
Our newly published newsletter summarizes the Center's impressive range of programs & podcast episodes, research achievements, sponsored UCLA courses, new developments, and media presence throughout the 2022–23 Academic Year. Click Here to Read & Download.

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Stein's Dissertation Receives Honorable Mention from ISA
We would like to congratulate the Center's Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Elizabeth Stein for receiving an Honorable Mention for her dissertation, "Pushback Organizations: Cohesion and Division among Jews in the United States, France, and Canada", for the International Studies Association (ISA) inaugural Mark Juergensmeyer Best Dissertation Award (REL)!

APPLY NOW: The Diane & Guilford Glazer Foundation Distinguished Fellowship
The Center invites policy practitioners, journalists, public intellectuals, and senior scholars to apply for its new Distinguished Fellowship. The fellow will conduct research and write while interacting with UCLA academics, local experts, and policymakers in Los Angeles. The six-month, in-person fellowship offers a stipend of $50,000 per quarter, plus healthcare and other benefits. Click Here to Learn More and Apply.

Nazarian Center Staff Presented with UCLA International Institute's 2023 STAR Award
The UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies staff has been presented with the UCLA International Institute's 2023 STAR Award for outstanding team performance! The award recognizes the Center's team for their consistent hard work, creativity, organizational abilities, and professionalism, which has enabled the Nazarian Center to achieve so much this past year and has furthered the mission of the International Institute.

May 26 Deadline: 5th Annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies
The May 26th deadline to submit your abstract (100-250 words) for our 5th Annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies is almost here! The 1st place paper will receive a $500 award, and the runner-up will receive $250. This online conference is open to all undergraduate students in the United States and abroad. Click here to learn more & submit your abstract.

Apply Now for Summer or Fall study in Israel!
Would you like to study in Israel this summer or fall quarter? Opportunities are available at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (as part of the UC Education Abroad Program) and a new summer study program at Ben Gurion University. The Nazarian Center has scholarships for students to study in Israel on either of these programs, or other academic programs. Deadlines are coming up soon to apply for these programs and for scholarships! Click here for more information.

The Nazarian Center mourns the passing of long-time lecturer, Kassem Nabulsi
Dr. Kassem Nabulsi, a lecturer at the UCLA Nazarian Center for Israel Studies for many years, died November 27, 2022 at the age of 69. From 2012-2018, Nabulsi served as a visiting lecturer in political science and taught several UCLA political science courses. A memorial service will take place December 17 at Cal State University, Northridge, Whitsett Room (SH 451) from 4PM – 6PM. Click here to read more.