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Colloquia & Conferences

The Y&S Nazarian Center sponsors research colloquia for scholars from diverse disciplines as well as public conferences that foster new perspectives on Israel and brings them to faculty, students and the greater Los Angeles community and beyond.



Fifth Annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies
The Nazarian Center invites submissions to its fifth annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies, scheduled on June 22, 2023. This is a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to present and discuss their research on modern Israel (in any academic discipline). Students selected to showcase their work at the conference will be invited to give a 10 to 12-minute presentation of their work, and participate in a moderated Q&A with their peers. Click here for more details.

 conference in israel studies




Conference Archives

Annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies: 2021, 2022, 2023

Democracy in Israel: Past, Present, and Future: 2021

Israeli-American Exchanges: 2019

Water in the Middle East and Africa: A Nexus of Cooperation and Conflict: 2018

Israel in 3D: 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Smart and Sustainable Cities Conference: 2016

Exploring the Meanings of Jewish Sovereignty: 2012

InTreatment / Be-Tipul: 2009


For more information on Nazarian Center programs, email Israel@international.ucla.edu