Encounters with Judeo-Spanish Culture in the MENA & Beyond

12th Annual UCLADINO Judeo-Spanish Conference

Encounters with Judeo-Spanish Culture in the MENA & Beyond

Myriam au citron / @anaellemyriamchaaib

12th Annual ucLADINO Judeo-Spanish Conference - Encounters with Judeo-Spanish Culture in the MENA and Beyond.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Yaëlle Azagury

In its twelfth consecutive year, the ucLADINO conference continues to advocate for the preservation of Ladino language and culture in the Judeo-Spanish diaspora. The theme for this year’s ucLADINO conference, Encounters with Judeo-Spanish Culture in the MENA and Beyond, seeks to highlight the ways in which Judeo-Spanish speakers (including but not limited to Haketia and Ladino) came into contact with neighboring languages and cultures throughout its dynamic history. We conceptualize Judeo-Spanish encounters as moments of discovery, dialogue, and/or interaction.

Sponsor(s): Center for Near Eastern Studies, Department of History, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies